Email vs PPC - The Real Truth

Online marketing can feel like looking at a menu in a new restaurant. Surely most of the options will be delicious, but how do you choose the one that is best for you?

Read on to find out the advantages and disadvantages of both email marketing and pay-per-click methods.

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Chase Dimond
eCommerce Email Marketing: Making the sales pitch

So, you made a great landing page, got a bunch of emails, and finally went through the informative stage to the conversion stage with high-quality emails to intrigue and captivate customers. What’s next? Is it finally time to do some selling? Yes, this is the selling stage! You have finally made it to the last step, the step where sales pitches and product descriptions come out.

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Chase Dimond
Creating an outbound B2B sales pipeline

We’ve helped 13 B2B companies start an outbound sales funnel from scratch targeting a wide range of industries from hotels to airlines and nightclubs. I’ve only used cold email because I find it the most effective and scalable. What I outline below is the simplest way i know of doing this anyone can replicate, even non-techy sales people. This process enabled all startups to close 1-50k deals.

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Chase Dimond
Email Marketing Lesson: How to Introduce Your Products

It can be tough holding off on pitching your products to clients. Your products and services are what make you money, so of course, you want them in front of potential buyers as soon as possible. However, there is a right and a wrong way to do this. One will capture your audience's attention, and the other will scare buyers off.

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Chase Dimond